Awareness Day
A week-long series of events as part of International Stuttering Awareness Day.
Join us from the 16th of October 2021.
About NSAD
To celebrate International Stuttering Awareness Day, Irish Stammering Association are holding a weeklong series of events (from Saturday, 16th of October to Friday, 22nd of October) including our 15th annual National Stammering Awareness Day!
Online events include curated talks with invited speakers as well as groups for people who stammer of all ages - as well as a group for parents of those who stammer. An Autumn Walk and Talk takes place in Dublin on Sunday October 17th.
For more scheduled events and details of how to sign up, please see the schedule below. All events are free to attend.

NSAD speakers
Michael O'Shea
Stuttering Awareness Mental Well-being Ireland campaign, Saturday 16th of October, 10:20–10:40am
Born in 1955. Married to Monica, two adult sons, Gary and Alan, seven grandchildren. Lives in Co.Kilkenny, Ireland. Michael is a person who is challenged by stuttering since the age of four.
Completed various forms of speech therapy in Ireland and abroad. Focused on self-help and mentorship in his adulthood. Mentor and advocate for people who Stutter Nationally and Internationally for many years and is a recognised keynote speaker at International Conferences having spoken on four Continents on the subject.
Co-founder of the Irish National Stuttering Awareness Day which he co-organised from 2007/2016 which is now being run and organised by the Irish Stammering Association which Michael is a member and former board member. Author of "Why I Called My Sister Harry" which has opened up a wide range of opportunities for Michael to connect with and learn from Stuttering Communities Worldwide. "Let's Talk About Stuttering" are workshops that Michael runs for the Stuttering and Professional Speech Community which offer a platform to connect and share ideas and supports in the Irish community and Internationally. Advocates for Stuttering Awareness Nationally and Internationally through his involvement and connection with International Organisations to bring more understanding of the internal dialogue challenges of stuttering.
Michael Ryan
Stuttering Awareness Mental Well-being Ireland campaign, Saturday 16th of October, 10:20–10:40am
Married to Fran, two boys Shane and Edward. Lives in Co Tipperary, Ireland. Michael is a person who stutters who has experienced all the emotions of fear, isolation, loneliness, lack of confidence etc.
Experienced different forms of Speech Therapy and supports from the self-help Speech Community.
Mentor and advocate for the Stuttering Community and social issues for many years with vast experience in radio, tv, and media.
Member and former Chairperson and board member of the Irish Stammering Association, during his term of office, made representations to the Irish President Mr Michael D. Higgins, Irish Government Ministers, Mr Joe Biden then-Vice President of the United States of America who is himself a person who is challenged by Stuttering and of course who is now President of the United States of America. Former Town Councillor and former Mayor of Templemore.
Jamie Googan
Stuttering Awareness Mental Well-being Ireland campaign, Saturday 16th of October, 10:20–10:40am
Jamie is from Clonakilty, Co Cork, Ireland. He started to stutter in early childhood, he is a former National and International Champion Martial Artist and a proud member of the Irish Stuttering Community.
Having struggled with the challenges of Stuttering for almost twenty years, Jamie reached out and asked for help. Speaking powerfully now, Jamie has transformed himself and actively advocates for Stuttering and Mental Well-being Awareness.
During his time working at Munster Technological University, Jamie set up the first mental health initiative for twenty-two Secondary Schools in the Cork Community.
Jamie is the author of "Access The Students Voice" and is often featured on Radio and TV promoting Stuttering Awareness and Mental Wellbeing issues.
Nora Trench Bowles
Stammering Pride, 10:45–11:05am
Nora joined the Board of the Irish Stammering Association in 2017 and is now Vice Chair. She has been a person who stammers for as long as she can remember. With time, exploration and reflection, she has come a long way in becoming more comfortable, compassionate and open (and sometimes even proud!) with this as an integral part of who she is.
With the ISA, Nora is particularly interested in connecting with the stammering community, and in raising awareness to help people who stammer and those around them better understand, respect and value stammering. In relation to stammering, and in other areas of her life, she is committed to social change.
Nora works in public policy, currently focusing on lifelong learning in the university sector, based back in Dublin. Previously, she studied and worked in EU affairs in Brussels, Strasbourg and Sweden.