ISA statement re SSNO funding scheme

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30 Jan
Aug 2, 2014

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Irish Stammering Association (ISA) welcomes Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly TD’s decision to restore funding through the SSNO scheme. ISA also welcomes a review of the scheme that will help find a more long-term sustainable solution to funding core costs of organisations delivering front line services in the health and disability sector.

Irish Stammering Association is the only national organisation representing people who stammer and their families and supporting professionals working in the field. Stammering is a hidden disability. Like many other communication disabilities, the level of disadvantage is not always apparent and often immeasurable. Stammering can lead to disadvantage through limiting access to social interaction, education and training and vocational opportunities. ISA aims to limit the impact of exclusion through offering non-therapeutic supports to the community connected by stammering. Worldwide research points to improved quality of life and reduced disadvantage through involvement with agencies like ISA.

Withdrawal of core funding means that ISA would not be able to retain two part-time staff and would pose a threat to the provision of services such as monthly Skype group for teenagers who stammer, ISAYiT! children’s drama project for young people who stammer, involvement in National Stammering Awareness Day, Irish Stammering Association Annual Conference, Leadership Skills Project for women who stammer, Phone support group for women who stammer, as well as compiling online and printed resources for parents of children who stammer and maintenance of our website.

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