National Stammering Awareness Day 2018

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30 Jan
Sep 22, 2018

No upcoming events at the moment.

The 12th National Stammering Awareness Day will take place on Saturday October 20th in the Hilton Kilmainham Hotel, Dublin 8 from 10 a.m. This year’s theme is ‘Speak your mind’. The event starts at 10 a.m. and continues until 5 p.m.

As well as having our regular presentations from Irish Stammering Association and Irish McGuire Programme we’ll have a range of speakers to encourage, inspire and get you thinking.

The full schedule for National Stammering Awareness Day can be found below. Highlights include speakers to give you advice and support on employment in relation to stuttering, and also to demystify the oral exam process for students. We’ll also be linking up with international speakers via Skype.

ISA Parents’ Support Network will take place at 1.00 p.m. where family members can share experiences and chat informally.

ISAYiT! drama group for young people (aged 7-17) will run from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and is facilitated by Charlie Hughes from the Gaiety School of Acting. You can read an Irish Times feature about ISAYiT! by clicking here

National Stammering Awareness Day is free to attend and all are welcome.


10 a.m. Welcome – Dr Jonathon Linklater & David Heney

10:05 a.m. Icebreaker

10:10 a.m. Iain Wilkie – British Stammering Association

10:40 a.m. Aoife Ní Laoire – Oral Examinations for second level students

11:00 a.m. Tea & coffee break – kindly sponsored by Irish McGuire Programme and ISA

11 a.m. – 4 p.m. ISAYiT! drama workshop facilitated by Charlie Hughes (Gaiety School of Acting)

11:30 a.m. Sharon Gavillet (Irish McGuire Programme)

12 p.m. Dr Fiona Ryan – Speech and Language Therapist

12:30 p.m. David Heney (Chairman, Irish Stammering Association)

13:00 p.m. Lunch / Parents’ Support Network meeting facilitated by parents and SLTs

2 p.m. Nora Trench Bowles

2.30 p.m. Adaku Ezeudo

2.45 p.m. James McCormack

3.15 p.m. Link up with Scottish Stammering Network

3:35 p.m. Siobhán Costello

3:50 p.m. Meet ISAYiT!

4:00 p.m. Ollie Gleeson

4:15 p.m. Jack Widger

4:30 p.m. Robert O’Brien

5 p.m. Closing comments – Dr Jonathon Linklater & David Heney

Wine reception

Speaker biographies can be found at

Parking and public transport

Hilton Kilmainham Hotel has a preferential all day parking rate of €7. This operates on a first come fist service; you must pay for this parking at reception to avail of the special rate. Alternative parking can be found at the Irish Museum of Modern Art.

Public transport serves Hilton Kilmainham with LUAS stops at Heuston Station and Suir Road, and several Dublin Bus routes. The Transport for Ireland website gives real time information to assist your travel.

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